Afterschool Activity / 課外活動

    Recently, our students have been going to the nearby Kazakoshi Athletic Center and playing a variety of sports, one of them being basketball. Although not obligated to go, you are sure to have a great time playing with friends and moving your body after school. The duration is 1 hour, starting from 3:00 p.m. One of our youngest students in G.3 wrote an account of a day at the Kazakoshi Athletic Center looks like:

    “I went to play basketball. My friends and I all talked in the teacher’s car. Some children also played badminton. Everyone was so cool and amazing! Some kids went back home in the teacher’s car too. It was a fun day!”

    Spending time with friends outside of the school environment is vital to stronger friendships. We at Horizon hope our students form friendships that last a lifetime.

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